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"There are no strangers - only friends who have not met"

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake History

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake started life as Welcome Wagon.  In 2001/2002 we separated from Welcome Wagon and became a standalone organization with our new name.

We welcome women of all ages, whether new to our area, or a long-time resident. Our group has grown from fifty women attending our monthly meetings to a membership of over two hundred fifty. In the past we had a few Interest Groups where you could meet people in small numbers; now we have ten groups, plus a Garden Club and support to the Kimberling Area Library.

In the 2001-2002 season it was decided that instead of several small fund raisers, we would put all our efforts on one big event. Thus, was born our much-celebrated Homes Tour. We have raised a considerable amount of money for our local charities, all of which are certified to meet the organization’s criteria by the Service Committee.  Members then vote each year on which charities will receive funding.

If you are looking for an interesting organization to join, look no further.  As a line from our prayer says,

"There are no strangers, only friends that have not met."


Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake (NFTRL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 
PO Box 64
Kimberling City, MO 65686

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