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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 

Meet our co-presidents for 2024 - 2025



This is Beverly’s 2nd year of her 2-year term as Co-President. Previously she served as Reservation VP for 1 year she says, “because I knew Excel”.

Beverly and her husband Wayne moved here from St Louis in 2017, “wanting to retire near water”.

They are a blended family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and recently added a great granddaughter who, believe it or not, she shares with our new Co-President Treena Wilt, ask them for the story! Two rescued Siberian Huskies, Buddy and Lucky reside with Beverly and Wayne.

Beverly has been in Neighbors and Friends since Jan. 2020, being invited by a church friend. Covid hit and NFTRL was put on hold after just 2 meetings, but she came back because she loves the fact that “NFTRL gives back to the community," and “I wanted to be involved, to meet people, but most importantly to serve my new community”. She enjoys being a member of the Out to Lunch Bunch and Treasure Hunters Interest Groups.

Beverly and Wayne are avid readers, love boating and traveling. Beverly is known as a great cook and loves DIY projects and crafting.

Their family motto is like the Golden Rule,” Treat others as you wish to be treated”.

She felt honored when asked to be Co-President. She really believes in NFTRL’s mission and wants to help to keep the tradition creating “a forum for great women to be able to meet others and showcase their talents while serving each other and their community”.



Treena and her husband John came here in 2022 from a “small town south of Kansas City, to retire at the lake.” Camping and being on the lake is a long time family tradition for Treena, she loved it growing up and loves it still. She joined Neighbors and Friends right away after being invited by a friend, and then again by Beverly in 2022.

The Wilts have 3 children, 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. “I was a grandma at age 36, we started early, so we could finish early” she says. They also have a rescue dog named Squiggy who is a mix of French Bulldog and Jack Russell Terrier. Treena says, “he looks like a cartoon dog!”

Treena and John say their family motto could be “Treat others the way you want to be treated” and Treena feels she was “born to sing His praises”. Treena is a talented singer who sings “gospel, oldies, country, pretty much anything”. She shares her beautiful voice at Nursing Homes, Sr. Centers Charity events, and was our NFTRL Musical Program last year!

She was honored to be chosen to sing at the Baldknobbers Theater last year at the “JAMMIN’ FOR JESUS” show. She ‘LOVES BRANSON SHOWS” and attends often with friends.

Her other hobbies are crochet and boating. She enjoys being a member of the NFTRL Hand and Foot card Interest Group and will play pretty much when anybody calls to ask her. “I just love to play games, any kind”.

Before accepting the office of Co-President, Treena did a lot of administration work and is extremely organized and detailed oriented. She says she is “organized to a fault, a big list maker, and my husband calls me a Bean Counter”

Treena loves being around people and serving the community, which NFTRL is a great outlet.

Treena accepted the Co-President position on the NFTRL Board because she admires the group, likes to serve others and share her past experience and skills for the good of the group.

About the Organization

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

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